Visibility Made Easy: Search Console Setup Guide for Better Website Performance

by Babasaheb Lokhande
Search console

If you’re anything like me, you understand the struggle of trying to make your website stand out in the vast ocean of the internet. As a website owner or a digital enthusiast, I’ve always been on the lookout for effective ways to boost my website’s visibility and performance. That’s when I stumbled upon the game-changer: Google Search Console.

It’s important to understand the Search Console setup and how it can significantly improve your website’s performance. I’ve personally experienced the difference it can make, and I’m excited to share my insights with you.

The world of SEO and website optimization can be overwhelming, but fear not! Together, we’ll navigate the intricacies and uncover the gems that lie within Google Search Console. From the initial setup to leveraging its powerful features, I’ll walk you through each step in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.

By the end of this guide, you’ll feel empowered to take control of your online presence and drive your website to new heights.

So, let’s dive right in and discover how “Visibility Made Easy” can be the key to unlocking your website’s true potential!

Key Takeaways

  • Google Search Console is an essential tool for website owners and SEO enthusiasts, providing valuable data and insights to optimize website visibility and performance in search results.
  • Setting up Google Search Console is a straightforward process, involving steps like signing in with a Google Account, adding the website’s domain or URL-prefix, and verifying ownership.
  • Submitting a sitemap through Google Search Console is crucial to ensure that all important pages on the website are accurately indexed by search engines, improving overall visibility.
  • Core Web Vitals, a set of user experience metrics, are crucial for enhancing website performance and potentially improving search rankings, as Google considers them a ranking factor.
  • Monitoring important metrics like search queries, impressions, clicks, CTR, and average position allows website owners to make data-driven decisions, optimize content, and drive organic traffic to their sites.

What Is Google Search Console?

Before we get into the incredible benefits of Search Console and insights that Google Search Console offers, let’s learn the basics.

Google Search Console, formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools, is a powerful free tool provided by Google to help website owners and webmasters monitor and optimize their site’s performance in search results.

Through Google Search Console, you gain access to valuable data about how your website appears in Google’s search index, how users interact with it, and what improvements can be made to enhance your online presence. From monitoring organic traffic to troubleshooting issues that may affect your website’s visibility, this tool is an indispensable asset in your SEO arsenal.

Why Use Google Search Console?

Google Search Console Dashboard

If you’re wondering why you should bother with Google Search Console, the answer is simple: it’s like having a direct line of communication with Google itself.

By using this tool, you get a unique opportunity to understand how Google views and crawls your website, allowing you to optimize it effectively for better search engine rankings.

Benefits of Using Google Search Console?

Here are some key benefits of Search Console that make Google Search Console an invaluable asset for website owners:

Highest Performing Page

Google Search Console provides valuable insights into which pages on your website are performing exceptionally well in search results. Knowing your top-performing pages allows you to focus on optimizing them further and replicating their success in other areas of your website.

Page with Highest CTR (Click-Through Rate)

Understanding which pages have the highest CTR helps you identify the content that resonates most with your audience. It also helps you refine your meta tags and descriptions to encourage more clicks from search results.

Keyword Generating Highest Traffic

Discover the keywords that are driving the most organic traffic to your website. This information enables you to prioritize these keywords in your content and SEO strategies to maintain and improve their rankings.

Most Impression-Shared Keyword

Google Search Console reveals which keywords have the most impressions, even if they aren’t generating clicks. This insight helps you identify potential opportunities to optimize your content further and increase click-through rates.

Country-Wise Report

For businesses targeting specific regions, the country-wise report in Google Search Console is a game-changer. It provides data on search performance in different countries, helping you tailor your SEO efforts to regional audiences.

Ranking Fluctuation Tracking

Monitor the fluctuations in your search rankings for different keywords over time. This feature allows you to identify trends, understand the impact of your SEO efforts, and respond proactively to changes in search algorithms.

Google Search Console offers a wealth of other valuable reports and features that empower you to take control of your website’s performance in search results. Whether you’re a seasoned SEO expert or a beginner, utilizing this tool can make a significant difference in your website’s visibility and success.

How to Setup Google Search Console: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Setup Google Search Console

 Setting up Google Search Console is the first crucial step towards unlocking a wealth of valuable insights and optimizing your website’s performance in search results.

Follow this step-by-step setup or step-by-step guide to get your website up and running on Google Search Console Setup:

Step 1: Sign in to Search Console with Your Google Account

The first thing you’ll need is a Google Account. If you don’t have one yet, you can create it easily. Once you have your Google Account ready, head over to the Google Search Console website. Click on the “Start Now” button to begin the setup process.

Step 2: Add Your Website’s Domain (or URL-Prefix) as a Property

After signing in, you’ll be prompted to add a property. A property is a website or app you want to track using Google Search Console. Choose between two property types:

  • Domain Property: Select this option if you want to track all versions of your website (e.g., “,” “,” “”) as a single entity. This option is ideal if you use subdomains or have variations of your site’s URL.
  • URL-Prefix Property: If your website doesn’t use subdomains and you want to track a specific version (e.g., “”), this is the option to choose.
  • Enter your website’s domain or URL-prefix in the provided field and click “Continue.”

Step 3: Verify Your Website

Verifying your website proves to Google that you are the legitimate owner or webmaster. Google provides multiple verification methods to choose from. Select the method that suits you best:

  • HTML File Upload: Download the HTML verification file provided by Google and upload it to your website’s root directory via FTP or file manager.
  • HTML Tag: Add a meta tag to your website’s homepage’s HTML code. Google will verify your ownership by checking for the presence of this tag.
  • Domain Name Provider: If your website’s domain is managed by a supported domain registrar, you can choose this option and follow the instructions to verify ownership automatically.
  • Google Analytics: If you have Google Analytics set up for your website, you can verify ownership through the Analytics tracking code.
  • Google Tag Manager: Similar to Google Analytics, you can use the Google Tag Manager code to verify ownership.

Choose the verification method that you find most convenient and follow the on-screen instructions. Once the verification is successful, you’ll have full access to Google Search Console and its suite of powerful tools.

How to Setup Search Console Using Google Tag Manager

 If you prefer the convenience and flexibility of using Google Tag Manager to manage your website tags, setting up Search Console is a breeze.

Follow these simple steps to get Search Console up and running using Google Tag Manager:

Step 1: Implement Tag Manager Code on Your Website

  • The first step is to create a Google Tag Manager account if you don’t have one already. Once you’ve set up your account, Google Tag Manager will provide you with a container code snippet. This snippet needs to be implemented on your website.
  • Copy the container code and paste it into the HTML code of your website, just above the closing </head> tag. Save the changes and publish the updated code to your live website.

Step 2: Verify the Tag Manager Installation on All Pages

  • To ensure that the Google Tag Manager installation is successful on all pages of your website, you can use the Google Tag Assistant browser extension or the Tag Manager’s built-in preview mode.
  • With the Google Tag Assistant, visit various pages of your website and check for the presence of the Google Tag Manager code. The extension will indicate if the installation is successful or if there are any issues that need to be addressed.
  • Alternatively, use the preview mode in Google Tag Manager to see how tags are fired on your website’s pages and if everything is functioning correctly.

Step 3: Verify the Tag Manager on the Search Console

Now that Google Tag Manager is up and running on your website, it’s time to verify it on Google Search Console:

  • Log in to your Google Search Console account.
  • In the Search Console dashboard, select the property you want to verify (your website) from the list of available properties or add a new property following the “Step 2” instructions in the previous section if you haven’t done it yet.
  • Click on the property to enter the property settings.
  • Look for the “Verification” tab or option.
  • Choose “Google Tag Manager” as your verification method.
  • Select the Google Tag Manager container that corresponds to your website.
  • Click “Verify.”
  • Google will now verify the presence of your Google Tag Manager container code on your website and grant you access to all the valuable insights and data within Google Search Console.

This seamless integration gives you even more control over your website’s data and ensures you can effortlessly manage tags and tracking tools as your website evolves. Now, dive into the wealth of information available in Search Console to fine-tune your website’s performance and drive it to new heights!

How to Submit a Sitemap to Google Search Console

 Submitting a sitemap to Google Search Console is a crucial step in ensuring that Google accurately indexes and crawls all the important pages on your website.

Follow these quick steps to submit your sitemap and enhance your website’s visibility in search results:

Step 1: Generate a Sitemap Using a Sitemap Generator Tool

  • To start, you’ll need a sitemap for your website. A sitemap is a file that contains a list of all the pages on your site that you want to be indexed by search engines. There are various sitemap generator tools available online, both free and paid, that can help you create a sitemap quickly.
  • Choose a sitemap generator tool that fits your needs and enter your website’s URL. The tool will then crawl your site and generate a sitemap file for you to download.

Step 2: Upload the Sitemap to Your Website’s Folder

  • Once you have your sitemap file, upload it to the root directory of your website. This can typically be done through an FTP client or your website’s file manager provided by your hosting provider.
  • Placing the sitemap file in the root directory ensures that search engines can easily locate and access it when crawling your website.

Step 3: Open the Search Console and Visit the Sitemap Page

  • Log in to your Google Search Console account. If you haven’t added your website to Search Console yet, follow the steps in the previous sections to do so.
  • After signing in, select the property (website) you want to work on from the Search Console dashboard. In the left-hand menu, under the “Index” section, click on “Sitemaps.”

Step 4: Submit Your Sitemap and Press Submit

  • On the Sitemaps page, click on the “Add/Test Sitemap” button, usually located at the top right corner. A pop-up window will appear, prompting you to enter the URL of your sitemap file.
  • Enter the filename of your sitemap (e.g., sitemap.xml) and click “Submit.” Google will now fetch your sitemap and start processing the submitted data.

Please note that it may take some time for Google to crawl and index the pages listed in your sitemap when you submit XML Sitemap. The status and progress of your sitemap submission will be displayed on the Sitemaps page in Google Search Console setup.

And that’s it! You have successfully submitted your sitemap to Google Search Console. This step ensures that Google can efficiently discover and index your website’s pages, which can significantly impact your website’s visibility and performance in search results.

Remember to keep your sitemap up to date as you add or remove pages from your website to ensure accurate indexing by search engines.

How to Submit a Sitemap of a WordPress Site

WordPress is a popular and powerful platform for building websites, and fortunately, there are user-friendly plugins available to make sitemap submission a breeze.

Check out these steps to submit a sitemap of your WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin

Step 1: Install Yoast SEO Plugin on Your WordPress Site

  • If you haven’t already installed the Yoast SEO plugin, head over to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to “Plugins” in the left-hand menu, click on “Add New,” and search for “Yoast SEO.” Install and activate the plugin.

Yoast SEO is a versatile and widely used plugin that helps with various aspects of on-page SEO, including generating and managing sitemaps and getting benefits.

Step 2: Generate a Sitemap Using Yoast SEO

  • Once Yoast SEO is installed and activated, it’s time to generate your sitemap:
  • Go to “SEO” in the left-hand menu of your WordPress dashboard.
  • Click on “General” to access the Yoast SEO settings.
  • Select the “Features” tab.
  • Look for the “XML Sitemaps” feature and ensure that it is enabled. Click on the “Question mark” icon for more information.
  • Click on the “See the XML sitemap” link to view your generated sitemap.

Yoast SEO automatically generates a sitemap for your WordPress site, containing all your pages and posts, along with other important information for search engines to crawl.

Step 3: Submit the Sitemap URL to the Search Console

With your sitemap generated, it’s time to submit it to Google Search Console:

  • Log in to your Google Search Console account.
  • Select the property (website) you want to work on from the Search Console dashboard. If you haven’t added your website to Search Console yet, follow the previous sections’ steps to do so.
  • In the left-hand menu, under the “Index” section, click on “Sitemaps.”
  • Click on the “Add/Test Sitemap” button, usually located at the top right corner.
  • Enter the URL of your sitemap. It should be in this format:
  • Click “Submit.”

Google will now fetch your sitemap and start processing the submitted data. You can monitor the status and progress of your sitemap submission on the Sitemaps page in Google Search Console.

You’ve thus successfully submitted the sitemap of your WordPress site to Google Search Console. By doing so, you improve the chances of all your important pages being indexed and appearing in search results, ultimately boosting your website’s visibility and search engine performance.

Note: Keep your sitemap updated as you add or remove content from your WordPress site to ensure accurate indexing by search engines.

Important Metrics

As you navigate through Google Search Console and analyze your website’s performance, you’ll come across several important metrics that provide valuable insights into your site’s visibility, user engagement, and overall, SEO effectiveness.

Understanding these essential Search Console Important Metrics thus becomes important! I have tried to explain each and every metrics that might be useful to you.

What is a Search Query?

A search query, also known as a keyword or search term, refers to the words or phrases that users enter into search engines when looking for information. In Google Search Console, the Search Queries report displays data on the search terms that led users to click on your website in search results. Understanding which keywords are driving traffic to your site can help you optimize your content and SEO strategy to target relevant search queries.

What is an Impression?

An impression is counted each time your website’s URL appears in the search results for a specific search query, regardless of whether the user clicks on it or not. The Impressions metric in Google Search Console setup indicates how many times your site has been shown to users in search results for various search queries. Monitoring impressions can give you an idea of your site’s visibility and how well it ranks for different keywords.

What is a Click?

A click occurs when a user clicks on your website’s URL in the search results after performing a search query. The Clicks metric in Google Search Console reveals the number of times users have clicked through to your website from the search results page. Tracking clicks helps you assess how effective your website’s title tags and meta descriptions are in attracting users to click through to your site.

What is CTR?

CTR stands for Click-Through Rate, which is the percentage of users who clicked on your website’s link in the search results compared to the number of times your site appeared in those search results. It is calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions and then multiplying the result by 100. A high CTR indicates that your website’s content and meta data are compelling and relevant to users, prompting them to click through to your site.

What is Avg Position?

Avg Position, or Average Position, is the average ranking position of your website in search results for a particular search query. A lower average position indicates that your site ranks higher in search results for that query, potentially leading to more visibility and traffic. Monitoring Avg Position can help you identify keywords where you need to improve your rankings.

Index Coverage Report

The Index Coverage report in Google Search Console provides crucial insights into the indexing status of your website’s pages. It shows which pages are indexed by Google, which pages have issues preventing indexing, and which pages are excluded from search results. This report helps you identify and fix indexing errors and ensure that Google can properly crawl and index your content.

Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are a set of user experience metrics that focus on the loading, interactivity, and visual stability of your web pages. These metrics, including Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), play a significant role in determining how users perceive the performance of your website. Google considers Core Web Vitals as a ranking factor, so optimizing these metrics is crucial for providing a positive user experience and potentially improving your search rankings.

Understanding and monitoring these Search Console Important Metrics in Google Search Console can help you make data-driven decisions to optimize your website, enhance user experience, and drive more organic traffic to your site. Regularly analyzing these metrics and making necessary improvements can contribute to the overall success and performance of your online presence.


Google Search Console is a powerful tool that empowers website owners to enhance their online visibility and performance. By leveraging important metrics such as search queries, impressions, clicks, CTR, and average position, you can gain valuable insights into your website’s SEO effectiveness and user engagement. Additionally, the Index Coverage report helps you identify and fix indexing issues, ensuring your content is properly crawled and indexed.

Furthermore, with the inclusion of Core Web Vitals as a ranking factor, optimizing your website’s loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability becomes critical for providing a positive user experience.

By following the Step-by-Step setup guides to set up Google Search Console, submitting sitemaps, and using Google Tag Manager, you can seamlessly integrate these essential tools to boost your website’s online presence.

Remember, constant monitoring and data-driven decisions based on the insights from Google Search Console can lead to continuous improvements in your website’s visibility, search rankings, and overall success in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Happy optimizing!


1. How do I submit my website to Google?

You can submit your website to Google by adding it to Google Search Console and submitting a sitemap.

2. Is Google Search Console for SEO?

Yes, Google Search Console is a valuable tool for SEO, providing insights and data to optimize website performance in search results.

3. What is the difference between URL prefix and domain?

URL prefix refers to a specific version of a website’s URL, while domain encompasses all variations of a website, including subdomains.

4. What is google webmaster?

Google Webmaster, now known as Google Search Console, is a tool provided by Google to help website owners monitor and optimize their site’s presence in search results.

5. How does the search console help SEO Experts?

Search Console helps SEO experts by providing data on search performance, indexing issues, keywords, and more to make informed SEO decisions.

6. Why Search Console is Important?

Search Console is important as it helps website owners and SEO experts monitor their site’s performance in Google search, identify and fix issues, and optimize for better visibility and rankings.

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